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Published Jan 17, 2020
New NC State DL coach Charley Wiles has impressive resume
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Jacey Zembal  •  TheWolfpackCentral

Charley Wiles was an institutional legend at Virginia Tech, where he coached the defensive line from 1996 until this past season.

Wiles also was a graduate assistant with the Hokies in 1987-88, which is when legendary VT head coach Frank Beamer took over. Wiles played for Beamer at Murray State, and followed him to Blacksburg, for a year. He then coached the East Tennessee State offensive line in 1989 before returning in a variety of roles at Murray State from 1990-95.

Wiles also overlapped the coaching career of retiring Virginia Tech defensive coordinator Bud Foster. Foster was at Murray State (1981-86) with Beamer and followed him to VT. The Hokies went went 10-2 and lost in the Orange Bowl in 1996 when Beamer, Foster and Wiles were all reunited.

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