It’s amazing what the outcome of a single game can do the perception of a win-loss record.

After junior kicker Christopher Dunn made a 53-yard field goal on the first play of the fourth quarter to put NC State up 41-31, the visions of a potential 5-2 record looked very realistic.

Almost 15 minutes of game action later, the reality of a 4-3 mark instead is a bit less appealing.

The 5-2 record, especially fresh off a win over the No. 11-ranked team in the country, would have left a lot of excitement about the prospects down the stretch, with four very winnable games in which the Wolfpack could very well be favored in each ahead of them.

Instead, the 4-3 mark will probably leave a sour case of what-ifs, especially in the manner of which it unraveled in the fourth quarter.